Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Typography Blog Post

  • What is your typography piece about? Why did you choose this subject?-- My typography piece is about duck poems and things of a duck like the feet and beak. I choose this subject because I love ducks and I really really want one!
  • Did you choose specific words for your piece? Why did you choose the words you did? -- I really wanted to have poems about ducks just because right at first I didn't know what to do but then I thought about it and thought that I should have poems just because when you think of poems you don't usually write about ducks so I wanted something that most people wouldn't know and then my whole duck would be filled with duck poems!
  • This is a tedious process, be honest! How are you feeling about typography now that your done? Hate it? Enjoying the final product? Was it worth your time?-- At first I didn't like it because it frustrated me a lot but then Tiffany helped me out a little bit and it started to come together better with me knowing what I was doing. It was actually really cool because it looks like a duck when you take away the picture and I thought that was pretty awesome.
  • What might you try different next time?-- Different types of words in there, poems, songs, words that I think go with the topic and then a really cool picture to do it with! Also I would look over the end piece and make should I didn't leave any random letters anywhere like I did with this one.

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